Saturday, August 31, 2013

2013 VeganMoFo

7 Minutes to go! I feel like I'm counting down on New Year's Eve. And for some of my friends who will be following along and trying some of my animal-free dishes, it may well be the start of a new year ... a new lifestyle ... for them. To your health and the health of the planet!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tempeh Mushroom Stroganoff

I just finished leafing through Angeline Linardis's "V Cuisine: The Art of New Vegan Cooking" and had to try one of her more intriguing recipes, especially since I had most of the ingredients on hand. I don't usually have sherry in the house, but I do have an opened bottle of Marsala so I decided to substitute. And I'm not a huge fan of tarragon so I omitted it. Otherwise, I pretty much followed the recipe ... which is unusual for me. Instead of tofu or vegan sour cream as the sauce base, it called for pureed white beans.

The end result was a very flavorful, high-protein meal with a creaminess I did not expect.This one's a keeper! And, if you haven't done so already, I strongly recommend you add this book to your shelf.

Unfortunately, I don't have permission to publish the recipe, but here's a link to a Tempeh and Mushroom Stroganoff recipe from WholeFoods. Just imagine it with a Rich White Bean and Marsala Sauce instead of the pretend sour cream with vegan worcestershire.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Pressure is on

Now that I've committed to next month's VeganMoFo, I'm scrambling to organize my pantry and put my recipes in order. I've been saving so many interesting Vegan dishes to Pinterest over the past several months, I've got plenty to choose from ... maybe too many.

But I usually don't give much thought to dinner, grabbing whatever I have on hand, then blending flavors and textures that seem like they'd complement each together. And they usually do. It will be a challenge for me to do a little advance planning so the ingredients and process will be camera-ready.

Oh well. I can do this!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back In Action

Where did the past year go?

I've been viewing and posting to Pinterest like a crazy lady but have completely ignored my own little blog and it's feeling sorely neglected. Well, I guess it's time to remedy that. VeganMoFo is less than one month away and I need to get serious about posting on a regular basis - sharing the bounty of my kitchen with other Herbivores. I know that I can commit to posting at least 5 times a week. How about you?

Click here for the VeganMoFo Signup Form! I look forward to seeing your posts and sharing my own.